Healthy Food

Every dieter wanders around aimlessly looking for healthy food when they really don’t know what they are looking for. It’s not because dieters are stupid, it is because there is so much mixed information out there. Even the people who make the foods we buy in the store seem to be confused. What makes something healthy anyway? Is it the amount of calories or the amount of fats? Actually, though these things are important, they are only part of the equation.

This is why so many diets may fail. People don’t know what to look for and they often end up buying the wrong foods. They then get discouraged when they can’t lose anything and they give up. The problem is that they don’t know what healthy food is, and they don’t know what to look for. Advertisers often call something a healthy food when they honestly have no right to do so. There are many foods that are advertised as healthy that don’t fit the bill. You really have to do your own work to decide if you want to eat something or not. If you skip this step, you are probably going to fail on your quest to lose weight.

The obvious healthy food is the one that is grown. That means fruits and vegetables are almost always healthy, as long as you aren’t adding anything to them. If you top a cup of peas with two tablespoons of butter, you have just turned a healthy food into something you probably shouldn’t be eating. Many people mistakenly turn good foods into something they shouldn’t be touching with a ten-foot pole when on a diet. You want to make sure you are not adding fats and sugars to foods that are otherwise considered good for you. 

If you want a healthy food you should look for a natural food. This means you need to get things that are not processed and have no additives. If something is described as a number on an ingredient list, skip it. If it is not a natural food your body doesn’t know what to do with it. One healthy food is bread, as long as it is made from unrefined whole grains, and the only preservative you find included is vinegar. When you are looking for healthy food, skip the hype and zero in on the ingredients. That is where the truth of the matter lies.


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